
Unique Animated Glitter Backgrounds and Tiles For Free

Here are some of the glitter tiles that I made. Some are highly old and  are results of coming up with something not already present.

You can use them as background of your website or just add them to your texts or figures to sparkle them.

In the beginning, they were just of one color.

But just to give you more options, I multiplied them.

Remember to download them for using.

No credit is required, but will be glad to receive a link from you.

These tiles below are new. They were made specifically for site background decoration.


Rainbow Collection

Wide Backgrounds

Accidents are not always bad. Sometimes they help us come up with something extremely beautiful.
These next ones happened through accident. I never thought that these huge crystals would give the backgrounds beating rain drop effect.There were some thoughts to shrink them in size. But since they look cute in their usual form, they have been left to stay in their this original position.

These ones below have transparent background. They were made by utilizing the glitter tiles from the top.

Note that the ones below are created using glitter tiles found all over the net. The background used to be part of my Xanga. 


Christmas Special


  1. Hi, love the GIFs just wondering how I download them? when i save them they are tiny files? i would love to use one on my site as a background but they are really small...

    1. Hi, Thanks for the compliments :)
      To download them in right size, first left click. It should open the black window in which the gif will be in its original size. Then just save it like you normally do. Let me know if you come across any problem.

  2. Very cool, thank-you! Just don't know how to download, & are they re-sizeable?
