
Themeless Still Backgrounds

Here we have some of the still backgrounds that my friends and I already used on our Xanga. They are all created by me. Our blogs are no more. But these little designs remain and are in need of being used by all others like you. You can make banners, fonts and other gifs with them because they are purely based on colors and patterns. They can also be used as blog or website backgrounds.
Majority of them are designed by keeping in mind the visibility of fonts. What this means is that they will not make your writing hard to read. Others were made to add to other gifs. Do read the "Image Use Rules" and then download them for use. We will start with those that cannot be painted with other colors.
Actually, doing so just ruins the way they look. Okay, the final collection consists of rainbow colors. You have to scroll down to look for them. I would like to point out that each has its own unique height and width.




Colors Multiplied




These next 6, of course, have been multiplied recently. The brown one is the original version. I made it as a Halloween decoration piece for my Xanga blog back in 2003. Notice that it looks like the wall of Pharoah mansions. Yes, that was my inspiration.





Rainbow Madness

Rainbow kind of backgrounds are great for designing fonts. I made plenty of them in the past. There were some that I lost. Here are the only ones that survived. They have been multiplied more and therefore, their looks might confuse you a bit.


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