President Obama and His Wife Michelle Obama

It is brought to  my attention that many writers have to steal pictures of President Obama from news sites to put into their own articles and that this kind of issue leads to trouble. That is why, I have decided to post here some of his unique images. Using them will not get you in any kind of problem. Yet please do take time to read the image use rules given above. Just letting you know that I am no more in support of any kind of political parties. I am providing here Obama's pictures only because right now he is our president. Below you will also find some of him in animated form.

Shahrukh Khan Clips to Gifs

I am not much of a movie freak and my favorite actors aren't that many. But one man who in my eyes seems to remain ever green is Shahrukh Khan. I don't understand Indian language. But his movies hinted that it wasn't necessary for me to learn it. But anyways, I have always been quite enchanted by his scenes for which I decided to turn a few of them into gifs. Note that video files are always heavy. Sometimes what looks like a 2 seconds clip turns into 50 frames in animation. That is why, I had to keep these video gifs shorter. You can shorten them even more to turn them into your avatars or icons. Do read the image use rules given on the top.

Original Dividers and Bars for All

Many images are no more used. Yet there are those who have a need for them. The best examples of this are lines, dividers and accents. They add intense elegance to titles, banners and intro paragraphs. Still they are probably not so popular anymore. I made some of them during the first days of my multimedia class. A few were used on my Xanga. Others were created to sooth my imagination. Here I show all of them.
See how you can use them in your work. Good luck. Not all the dividers are here though. Those that fall into labels of this blog have been moved to other posts. Some examples include flowers and hearts.Above you can see only  still lines. If you scroll down you will find the animated ones.

Inspired by Jewelry